iAchiever Podcast - Ram V. Iyer
iAchiever Podcast
Think yourself younger, healthier, happier and more successful

Think yourself younger, healthier, happier and more successful

Learn how you can think yourself younger, healthier, happier and more successful

Listen to a delightful and wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Ellen Langer, the famed Harvard psychologist who has been called ‘The Mother of Mindfulness’.

You are more capable than you believe you are and, perhaps, more capable than you ever imagined. And, you can become more successful in life starting with who and where you are right now. It is your current mindset that is enabling (or limiting) your success. You will learn every single minute from this podcast. And, if you act on what you learn and change your mindset and actions accordingly, you could be much more successful in life.

She observes that most people go through life mindlessly. They could have a richer life with mindful living. That’s not just meditation. Dr. Langer has figured out how to achieve better results in life by altering your mindset – what your mind believes, your mind and body deliver. She has shown through research that while your biological age is whatever it is, your mental age and capabilities could be that of a much younger person if only you changed your mindset.

Here are some things you will learn from listening to the podcast:

  1. What is a person’s mindset? If you asked ten people, you will probably get ten explanations. Listen to a succinct definition from the ‘mother’ herself.

  2. Listen to how your past dictates your future – unless you choose to change it.

  3. There is another kind of mindfulness besides meditation and it is tremendously useful to each person’s happiness and success. Listen to her description of what it is and how you can tap into it.

  4. How can you reverse aging – in your mind?

  5. How can to improve your memory? Do you really lose your memory with age or just think you do?

  6. Is your reptilian brain in charge of how you live your life?

  7. How can you improve your five senses and your brain functioning?

  8. Are things definitely as they seem to you are might they be different?

  9. Why one day does not maketh your lifetime?

  10. How can you embrace your unique strengths while learning from role models you admire?

  11. How to learn something new and keep getting better at it?

  12. How can you achieve more with less effort?

  13. Why will ‘faking it’ while you don’t believe in something will not get you the results?

  14. Why is achieving easier when you do things ‘your way’ rather than mindlessly aping somebody else?

  15. Why are adopting the rules of successful people a better way to improve yourself than mindlessly adopting their habits?

  16. Why is following a script a poor way to sell?

  17. Is your IQ really a good measure of your intelligence?

  18. What should you do when you feel inferior in any situation?

Why believe that there is a ‘blueprint for success in any field is wrong and why you will be more successful in developing your own blueprint for your own success?

Hear Dr. Langer in conversation with Ram Iyer about how you can be more successful in business and life at https://www.mitramiyer.com/podcast/

P.S. I realized a rather obvious thing. Most of us read articles like this but never act on it. You can only learn and get better results from the insights when you L.P.T. – listen, practice and tell/teach others, whether they are colleagues, friends, or family. I hope you L.P.T., whatever you glean from this.

You can find additional podcast episodes on how you can become more successful in life and business at https://www.mitramiyer.com/podcast/

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iAchiever Podcast - Ram V. Iyer
iAchiever Podcast
We now live in the ‘new normal’ and in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES.
I read and think a lot, and speak to knowledgeable people about this ‘new normal’ – to understand how to survive, recover and thrive.
I’m an MIT graduate, 5-time entrepreneur, former F50 executive, and venture capitalist. I’ve interviewed 100s of successful people across the Americas, EU, and Asia.
Join me as we explore the new normal – straight-talk and fluff-free!