Most of us recognize the value of becoming an expert at something that makes us more valuable in society. But, most of us do not know how to go about it. Dr. Ericsson is perhaps the world’s expert on how to become an expert. He has conducted extensive research with academic rigor for over 30 years and, listen to this, he has found that the brain can be rewired to extend its capabilities at ANY age. So, you too can learn new things and you too can become an expert.
This is Part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Anders Ericsson. In this segment, we discuss:
What is the routine of becoming an expert? Remember that Dr. Ericsson is perhaps the world’s expert on how to become an expert!
How could you develop rituals for success?
Why do you need to learn and practice and develop your own techniques – rather than just copy somebody else – in order to become an expert yourself?
How to become a HOMO EXERCENS – a practicing human being – and become an expert yourself?
P.S. I realized a rather obvious thing. Most of us read articles like this but never act on it. You can only learn and get better results from the insights when you L.P.T. – listen, practice deliberately and tell/teach others, whether they are colleagues, friends, or family. Implement the principles of developing expertise from Dr. Anders Ericsson. I hope you L.P.T., whatever you glean from this.
You can find additional podcast episodes on how you can become more successful in life and business at
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